About Quotanda

Quotanda UK Team

Quotanda’s mission is to democratise access to higher education by providing innovative and ethical financial solutions. We strive to expand education access and enhance career opportunities for individuals who may face financial barriers.

Quotanda UK is a subsidiary of Quotanda LLC, which is a FinTech Group, that works in partnership with education providers, foundations and philanthropic organisations globally, particularly across Europe and the Americas. Quotanda is expanding in the UK to reach a greater number of students. Our model and ethos is focused on ensuring that our partners are invested in positive student outcomes.

Our technology, processes and experience, digitises the financial aid application and management process for students and education providers, expanding access while creating efficiencies in time and cost for all parties.

In addition, Quotanda’s job application tracking and outcomes management software, CareerScore, helps to improve and verify employment outcomes. CareerScore has helped thousands of students to improve their job search and to land better jobs faster.

Get to know us

The Quotanda team is committed to helping our clients to expand access to opportunity

Scott Muirhead


Amir Uddin


Lino Pujol

Non-Executive Director

Grant Taylor

Non-Executive Director

Committed to the SDGs

Quotanda supports the goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Sustainable development goals

Our clients include

Helping them grow day after day
