Time to get an answer |
1 day* |
On-line process |
Yes |
Digital signature |
Yes |
Requirements |
Basic documentation, good credit history and a co-signer*Subject to credit approval by Quotanda
Time to get an answer |
1 day* |
On-line application process |
Yes |
Digital signature |
Yes |
Requirements |
Basic documentation, good credit history and a Co-signerSubject to credit approval by Quotanda
Who can apply for a study loan with Quotanda?
Spanish and foreign students who have been admitted into one of the campuses of IronHack located in Spain
Where to apply for a loan with Quotanda?
In the following link: https://quotanda.com/signup/ironhack.html
How much is the maximum amount that can be requested?
Spanish: € 6,250
Foreigners: € 5,000
How much is the minimum amount that can be requested?
€ 3,000.00
What documents will be needed to apply?
National ID, Driver’s license or Passport
3 recent payslips
Utility bill to verify home address
Bank statements for the last 2 months (with all account transactions)
Curriculum vitae
School Acceptance Letter
Last tax return
National ID
Utility Bill to verify address (water, electricity, telephone or mobile) of the permanent address
3 recent payslips
Can I apply if I don’t have a job?
Yes, for this you must have a co-signer that is responsible for the loan of your monthly payments while you study.
What terms does Quotanda offer?
Term (months): 12 months with an interest rate: 10.5%
Term (months): 24 months with an interest rate: 11.5%
Term (months): 31 months with an interest rate: 12.5%
How much is the maximum amount that can be requested from Quotanda?
The maximum amount to be financed = cost of the course – deposit – scholarship
Maximum amount to be financed = € 6,500.00 – € 750.00 – € 1,500.00 = € 4,250.00
How long can I know if my loan was approved?
In 24 hours you can know if your loan has been approved as long as you have updated all the correct documentation.
Can I apply for a loan with Quotanda if I don’t have a job?
Yes, but you must have a “cosigner” that is responsible for paying your fees while you study.
Can the course deposit be financed?
No, the deposit must be paid by the student directly to IronHack.
Can I finance the amount of a scholarship obtained in my loan?
It is not possible to finance the amount of scholarship that has been granted.
Can I cancel the loan before the due date?
Yes, it is possible to pay or pay the entire loan at any time.
Can I apply for a loan with Quotanda if my guarantee resides abroad?
Yes, it is possible to apply for a loan with a co-signer resident abroad. Subject to document verification.
Is it possible that the co-signer is a friend or partner?
Yes it is possible.
When should I pay the first installment of my loan?
The first installment will begin to be paid the following month after starting classes.
Example: If the start of the classes is June 15th, the first installment will be July 1st.
Should all the details of the application be completed?
What to do if I don’t have a certain document?
Please upload a blank document explaining the reasons why you don’t have the document (Example: I don’t have a driver’s license).
Quotanda tiene como misión democratizar el acceso a la educación mejorando las opciones de financiamiento.
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